TEL: 011 640 3368



At Joffe Dental, we have many years’ of experience in teeth whitening and have assisted thousands of patients to improve their smiles.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a simple process. Whitening products contain bleaches, which breaks the stains into smaller pieces, making the colour less concentrated and your teeth brighter.

At Joffe Dental, we have many years’ of experience in teeth whitening and have assisted thousands of patients to improve their smiles.

At Joffe Dental, we offer:

In-Surgery Teeth Whitening

In-Surgery teeth whitening treatment provides immediate results and requires just an hour of your time. The treatment is pain-free and effective and by the time we’re finished, your teeth will be a whole lot whiter and all you’ll feel (and look) a whole lot better for it.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

This option is for those who want to whiten their teeth from their own home and in their own time. Whereas the in-surgery treatment will produce noticeable results in just one hour, you’ll need perhaps a week to see results in an at-home treatment. In this option, you’ll be prescribed a whitening gel and tray.  By wearing the whitening tray while at home, and by following the instructions provided, you can enjoy whiter, brighter teeth without having to arrange for an appointment at our surgery. Teeth whitening can do more than revitalise your smile: it can boost your self-image and in turn, your self-confidence.

Joffe Dental have helped thousands of people from all ages restore their smiles.  To find out more about teeth whitening or other restorative dentistry contact us on 011 640 3368 or book an appointment.