TEL: 011 640 3368


A dental crown is a complete outer protective shell that fits snugly over your natural tooth like a cap. Often referred to as a “cap,” a dental crown is fabricated to fit precisely over teeth that are cracked, broken, or have large amounts of decay in them and need extra structural support and protection. A dental crown is an excellent way to repair large cracked fillings, broken teeth repair, and relieve tooth pain.


The dentist uses a dental bridge fills the space created by one or more missing teeth. Teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth are used as abutments, hence the name. A bridge replaces the missing tooth, both functionally and cosmetically. Bridgework is both an art and an exact science. A missing tooth should be replaced as soon as possible for several reasons. Without treatment, the teeth surrounding the gap will shift inward, creating a chain reaction of problems. When one tooth is lost or missing, the nearby teeth can easily start to “fall” like dominoes. Don’t let this happen to you or your loved ones.

Joffe Dental have helped thousands of people from all ages restore their smiles. To find out more about Joffe Dental contact us on 011 640 3368 or book an appointment.